Friday, June 5, 2009

Looking in Acts - Chapter 15

Acts Chapter 15 doesn't really apply to the questions I've been asking because Paul is not on a church planting journey in this chapter. It is really a chapter of conflict, and because of that I think there are some really valuable observations. Here is what I see in the chapter:

1. Those troubling the new believers were existing believers bound by tradition. It should not be this way, but often nothing kills the enthusiasm of a new believer faster than an 'old', supposedly mature believer listing off a bunch of commands.

2. When Jesus is reduced to a set of rules and traditions, we completely miss the point. I think this is why I love cross cultural missions. Our rules and traditions look silly in another culture, and it forces us to focus on the person of Jesus - a person who came to bring something that rules and traditions could not bring - LIFE.

3. Imagine a conversation like this ... "you know, (insert Indian, Chinese, Arabic name here), I'm glad you want to follow Christ, but I need to tell you something ... you know that extra skin down there - chop it off!" That would go over well. Maybe we could even provide a sharp rock like Moses had. Praise God we have baptism as a new symbol!!

4. The apostles, listened, then looked at scripture, then responded. We would do well to follow that pattern.

5. Paul and Barnabas had big conflict and separated for their future journeys. Conflilct happens and God uses it. It's ok to disagree on what's next, and still love Jesus! Why do we always think conflict is bad?

6. Finally, both Paul and Barnabas went back to the churches to strengthen them. So they did leave early on in the church planting process and trusted those churches to God, but that doesn't mean they never went back.

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