Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Entering the blogging world ...

Well, here it is. I've finally decided to enter the world of blogging - we'll see how it goes. As anyone who knows me can confirm, I never shy away from sharing my opinion so maybe this will be a good fit. I don't know if anyone will read or if anyone will care, but I think it will be good for me. At the very least, I'll get to practice my spelling and writing - right?

My life is pretty simple and comes down to just a few things so my guess is this is what my blog will talk about - at least most of the time:

1) God - Nothing is bigger in my life than Jesus - not in some cheesy unthought out sort of way, but in the basic reality of life. He's real, the Bible is full of great stuff,

2) Family - my wife rocks, and my kids are amazing. I am a lucky guy!

3) Work - the world of telecom is interesting - believe me! Sprint is turning it around, you just can't tell yet.

4) Mission - according to Jesus you really find your life when you lose it. This is a curious thought, but I have found it completely true. I have found no greater joy, purpose, and satisfaction than in losing myself in the mission that God has for me.

5) School - I'm studying to get my MBA through distance learning at the University of Nebraska (but I'll always be a Kstate wildcat at heart!). It's a great program. If you're thinking about getting an MBA, I suggest you check it out.

6) Sports - Kstate, Chiefs, Royals - yes Royals - I'm stuck with them.

That's it for now. I have much to say, but fortunately I have the rest of my life to say it. No use spilling it all out now! Let me know if anyone's reading this thing.


Krissie said...

I am. It's about time! Looking forward to it.

Love you, brother.

Chip said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. It can be addictive. I'll email you later tonight. It will good to see you guys! My address is still chipsmith[at]