Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lepers and Aids victims

Thanks so much for your prayers for K.C. I spoke with him last night and he sounded great. Their travel went very smoothly and everyone was pumped and ready for the youth conference. He said that our little girl we sponser at the children's home was attached to him every second. I am so glad that she can feel a little bit of what it is like to have a family.

While we are sleeping tonight the team will be spending the day with the lepers and the women with HIV/Aids. That is always a very emotional but very spiritually rewarding day. The lepers have so much joy despite their situation. They are true examples of the joy that comes from a very real relationship with Christ.

Please continue to lift up the pastors conference. It will be the last two days of their trip, and we want it to be thoroughly covered in prayer.

Here are today's requests:

Saturday, October 24 Acts 17:11

  • Pray that God would be preparing the hearts of the Indian people to receive the message from these pastors with obedience and great joy upon their return home.
  • Pray for time with Raja, who we at WFC hope to be our point person in India , to understand his passion and what God is asking him to do in relation to church-planting.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Arriving at New Life

An update on K.C.'s India trip

In 5 hours K.C. and his team will be arriving at their final destination- New Life Children's Home, Visak, India. After 25 hours of traveling by air, a short night of sleep, 1 more hour of air travel and 2 hours drive I am sure they will be tired but ready for the amazing greeting that visitors get when they arrive there. Hundreds of children dance and sing and clap for you as they drape flowers over your neck and welcome your hugs and kisses. It is an experience you never forget!

I'm not sure what their schedule is for today, but I am sure it will be jam packed. Tomorrow they will be holding a youth conference for 1500 high school/college aged kids. Pray that the students would have open and obedient hearts to what God's Spirit will speak to them through the team. K.C. will be speaking on life change.

Below are today's prayer requests for the pastor's conference.

Friday, October 23 IIJohn 1:6

Pray that God would give the pastors at the conference a passionate vision for planting new churches and that they would respond in obedience.

Pray for a spirit of teamwork, camaraderie, and unity of purpose among the pastors. Competition and envy to be laid aside.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Off to India

Today I'm on my way to India. I will be traveling to New Life Orphanage near Visak, Andhra Pradesh, India. The last time I traveled to India was almost three years ago. I remember sitting in a room there praying and dreaming with members of our church about starting a new orphanage in India. In only a few short years, we now have over 160 children living at New Life Children's Home. 160 children now have food to eat and people to care for them. Praise God! I will be staying on the land we have purchased as a permanent home for these children. It only has temporary structures for the children right now, but I can't wait to see it.

On this trip, we have a new dream. We are praying and dreaming about the beginning of a church planting movement - a movement of simple churches that reproduce themselves to finish the spread of the Gospel in the area. It is a big dream! We will kick it off by training 200 pastors how to start simple churches that multiply. We will be asking them to in turn teach many more people these principles. Our hope is that the training will quickly spread to several thousand people who will all be working together to start thousands of small, simple, multiplying churches.
This will require a lot of prayer!

Will you pray for me and our dream? Although I don't understand it, I believe with all my heart that prayer matters. Michelle will update my blog with selected requests for each day. Thank you for partnering with me in seeing the spread of the Gospel around the world!

Psalm 67:1-7 (Living Bible) O God in mercy bless us; let your face beam with joy as you look down at us. Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind. How everyone throughout the earth will praise the Lord! How glad the nations will be, singing for joy because you are their King and will give true justice to their people! Praise God, O world! May all the peoples of the earth give thanks to you. For the earth has yielded abundant harvests. God, even our own God, will bless us. And peoples from remotest lands will worship him.

Prayer requests for today:

· Our team members are: Schaun Colin, Jason Mills, KC Allen, Mike Viser, Troy Kennedy, Allen Crone and Bob Gettemy. Pray for each person’s health, and for the strength and power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished according to God’s plan.

· Pray that nothing would prevent whom God has chosen for the pastor's conference from attending and receiving all that He has in store for them.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Leaving for India in 2 days

Hey everyone,

I can't believe the time is finally here. I leave for India on Wednesday morning. 3 plane flights and 25 hours or so later I'll be in India ready for a short night in a hotel. In the morning, it is just 1 short flight and a 2 hour drive to get to New Life Children's home. Please pray for us. 5 of us are going from Westside, and we are meeting a couple more people from Thailand there.

Together we will be hosting a youth conference and a pastor's conference, as well as dedicating water wells in some remote villages, and loving on the 160 kids at New Life children's home.

We are expecting 1500 high school and college age people to attend a youth conference on Saturday. We will be sharing the Gospel with them, and I will be closing our time together with a 30 minute talk on 'How to change your life'. Please pray for that!

We are expecting 200 local pastors for a 2-day pastors' conference. I will be opening and closing each session so altogether, I will be speaking about 2 hours each day. I'm definitely not use to that so please pray that I would speak clearly and say what God wants me to say.

Each of the 200 pastors will be given 2 extra copies of the material so they can go back to their local area and re-teach the lessons. I'm praying that thousands will hear about these simple steps to church planting and as a result that thousands of new home-churches will be started. Please pray with me!

We're teaching them these 6 steps to church planting:
  • Pray
  • Evangelize
  • Disciple
  • Gather Together (Church)
  • Develop Leaders
  • Multiply

Also, please pray for my family while I am away. I will miss them!

I look forward to reporting back all that God does. Thank you for praying!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Many Lives Hidden in One Christ

"For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory." Colossians 3:3-4

I recently read this verse and was drawn to the fact that when Paul says 'your real life', he is talking to everyone who reads or hears his words, but, when Paul says 'Christ', he means the one, singular Christ. So Paul is saying that many individual lives are hidden in the singular Christ.

It happens again in the next phrase - "when Christ, who is your life". Christ is my life and is also the lives of many other people, yet He is one. This means I am not only individually hidden in Christ, but I am part of a whole that is ALL hidden with Christ. God sees ONE Christ and we are all included.

This changes everything.

When I choose to follow Jesus, I give up my right to make my mark in this world. As believers, we all combine to make just one mark - the mark of Christ. There is amazing freedom in this for me because my mark can look like a mess on its own, but within the whole body of Christ it is made beautiful. I can stop trying to make sense of all the bad choices I made that turned out right, and all the good choices I made that turned out wrong. I can stop attributing every bad thing that happens in my life to the punishment of God and every good thing to the blessing of God. I can stop wondering why Hugh Hefner is rich, and why I am ... well ... not so rich. I can take the good and the bad together and know that it will all work together alongside the lives of other believers to form the mark of Christ on the world. My mark, both the good and the bad, is hidden with Christ's. This is grace!

I can now hear Paul say "he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion" and know he is not talking about my individual life. He is talking about all of us - together! Our work will be carried on to completion. Christ's work will be completed and I am a part of it. This is real hope which is very different from the false hope that my individual life is somehow guaranteed to work out good.

This should be obvious. We all have seen people die at tragic times. God doesn't say - 'ok, your work is complete', and then send a serial killer after you. Death is tragic and painful, and it always will be, but our hope is this: 'the good work that was started in us' will go on. I can rest in that. I don't have to be an all-star; I can just be me.

So rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn. Feel free to see the great things in life as incredible acts of grace and the horrible things in life as great tragedies. Understand that the people who die in a great earthquake, or when planes crash into skyscrapers do not die because they are better or worse than us. They die because life and death happens. And in the midst of life and death, we all get to make a choice to hide our living and our dying, our victory and our tragedy, within the victorious mark of Christ or to have it stand on its own. It is a choice to determine if you will find your life by losing it, or if you will attempt to gain the whole world, and in doing so, lose your soul.