Thursday, December 16, 2010

Maya update - 12/16/10

Here is a quick update from Michelle -

After several scary incidents Tuesday night, Maya is still with us. The hospice nurse feels that it may be too strenuous for her to suck so she replaced Maya’s feeding tube. The nurses told J.J. and Erin that it could be a week to a month that she will still be with us. The really scary part is that she will continue to have episodes where she stops breathing but then starts again. They even said this could happen for as much as 15 minutes. I haven’t seen this myself yet, but I can imagine how completely awful it would be to see your baby stop breathing and turn blue. I know that everyone’s emotions are completely spent. We all said our goodbyes yesterday, and are happy she is still here, but scared about how to function knowing that one of the times she won’t come back. Please continue to pray that God would give J.J. and Erin the strength and comfort they need to care for Maya and also that they would know how to care for themselves. Pray that they would be able to rely on God and each other. I can’t imagine anything more emotionally and physically straining than what they are experiencing right now.

Thank you,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle,
Thank you for keeping us posted. This is Rachel, Lucy's mom from referred me to Dr. Snow. I was so surprised to see you at Travis' wedding, and then put two and two together! :) (He and I were friends in college.)

Anyway, please keep us updated. We are praying!
