Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Maya was born this morning shortly after 7:00am. Mother and baby are doing well. She is requiring oxygen, but is in her mother’s arms to stay warm. We do not have very much information yet. It will be this afternoon or evening before the test results come back. Right now we are all just enjoying taking pictures with her and loving on J.J. and Erin. Please continue to keep everyone in your prayers. There is still a lot of uncertainty.

The good news is that although Maya’s heart does have some problems, the cardiologist said that all but one should heal on its own and that the other one just requires medication. As long as the tests come back negative for Trisomy they will be able to give her the medication.

In a few hours we should know if we can rule out two of the most common types of Trisomy. Unfortunately they do not have test for all types, but anything that comes back showing that she doesn’t have a chromosomal defect is great news. Please pray that the tests come back negative!

1 comment:

Chip said...

Thanks for the update. We will continue to pray for Maya, J.J., and Erin.