Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jesus Changes Everything

I spent some time reflecting on the Beatitudes today (Matthew chapter 5) and putting them into my own words. The words of Jesus are amazing; He changes everything!

Without Jesus

If your spirit is empty, you are not a good person and you should not lead.
If you mourn, you mourn.
If you are meek, you get trampled by the confident and pushy.
If you desire righteousness, you are never satisfied. Everything is imperfect.
If you show mercy, you are taken advantage of.
If you fight for peace, you get abused in the conflict.
If you are punished for making right choices, you have nowhere to turn.

With Jesus

If your spirit is empty and you think you just don’t have much to offer of significance, you are blessed in this very moment because the kingdom of heaven is available right now to you - not because you have earned it, but because you realize your need for a Savior.

If you feel down and have incredible sadness in your life, you will be blessed because Jesus is here now and His Spirit is available to comfort you in ways you would never have otherwise known.

If you are timid and run-down, feeling like you constantly defer to others and never get your way, you will be blessed because those who know how to submit to Jesus will in the end have the earth given into their care.

If you desire to be righteous but never seem to quite be able to get there or if you desire to see all people in the world treated justly but are frustrated that it seems impossible, you will be blessed because one day you will see the righteousness and justice you desire.

If feel like you get walked all over because you constantly show mercy and try to see the good in people, you will be blessed because one day you too will be shown mercy for all your shortcomings.

If your innermost desires are pure and you are criticized for holding to those principles even when it costs you or costs those around you, you will be blessed because that purity will allow you to see the God of the Universe.

If you long for peace and often suffer by placing yourself emotionally or physically in the middle of conflict to try to work it out for the better, you will be blessed because one day people will call you a child of God.

If you are troubled or disrespected or punished because of doing the right thing, you are blessed, even now, because the power of God is available to you in this life.

1 comment:

Krissie said...

I've kind of been wondering what it meant to be poor in spirit. Thanks for translating. :)